Global Optimum Growth

USD Aggressive Allocation

Risk-cognisant long-term fund with an equity bias



Unconstrained global fund allocating to our best ideas in developed and emerging markets


Investors who are building wealth in US dollars, and who are looking for the best growth opportunities available in both developed and emerging markets and accept the possibility of volatility and the risk of short-term losses; are comfortable with allowing Coronation a wide degree of discretion, in allowing us to make both the asset and geographical allocation decisions; do not require an income from their investment.


Primary Benchmark: US CPI + 4%, Secondary Benchmark Composite: 35% MSCI World, 35% MSCI EM, 30% BGBA


Gavin Joubert and Marc Talpert

LAUNCH DATE: 30 April 2021
FUND SIZE: US$ 681.43 million
NAV (07 February 2025): 954.65
NUMBER OF A - UNITS: 393433.25
TIME HORIZON: 10 years +

The Global Optimum Growth fund launched in April 2021 to build on the multi-decade track record of the rand-denominated Optimum Growth Fund.

*Note that this is a new fund and as such it does not yet have a medium or long term track record. The Coronation Global Optimum Growth Fund is the dollar-denominated version of the older rand-denominated Coronation Global Optimum Growth ZAR Feeder Fund (before its conversion to a feeder fund). We show the track record of the ZAR portfolio, converted to USD, to indicate historical results achieved by the Strategy.

To view the Performance and Risk statistics of the Coronation Global Optimum Growth ZAR Feeder Fund, click here.

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INITIAL FEE Coronation: 0.00%


An annual fee of 1.35% is payable.


Fund expenses that are incurred in the fund include trading, custody and audit charges. All performance information is disclosed after deducting all fees and other portfolio costs.


We do not charge any fees to access or withdraw from the fund.


The Optimum Growth USD Fund does not yet have a three-year history, therefore investors in this fund should note an estimate TER and TC has been calculated in accordance with the ASISA Standard on the calculation and disclosure of TERs and Transaction Costs (TC).

TOTAL EXPENSE RATIO (TER) 1.44% per annum